Archive for the 'Rant' Category

You Sense It Or You Don’t

Thursday, December 15th, 2011

I enjoyed Joshua Topolsky’s rebuttal to the high-fives exchanged between John Gruber and MG Siegler about the Galaxy Nexus allegedly being less polished than iPhones are. I didn’t pick up on some of the cringe that Joshua pointed out, in particular the implication that rich people who have “nicer” stuff will always enjoy some impossible […]

How To Talk Dirty

Wednesday, November 9th, 2011

Today there is much chatter on Twitter about Brittany Tarvin’s A Letter to the Developer Community. In a nutshell: Brittany attended MacTech last week, and was offended by the unprofessional vibe in a few instances, but in particular, with regard to sexual jokes that comprised the content of one. It reads to me less like […]

When Ads Feel Wrong

Friday, October 28th, 2011

Marco Arment wrote about the negative impression he had when, after paying $4.99 for a single digital issue of The New Yorker, he was nonetheless subjected to advertisements. He calls the combination of up-front purchase combined with an advertising subsidy “double-dipping,” implying that the content providers are somehow charging you twice for the same product. […]

Picking Off iCal’s Paper Bits

Saturday, July 23rd, 2011

OS X Lion brings dramatically redesigned versions of the classic iCal and Address Book applications. Many people, or at least some important decision makers inside Apple, are very happy with these changes. Other folks, such as myself, believe they look and behave like crap. When I first saw the Lion version of iCal, my eyes […]