Archive for the 'Debugging' Category

Hexy Little Thing

Wednesday, February 14th, 2007

I’m working on an application now that uses a custom document format. Since my code manipulates this format and spits it back out to disk, I find myself frequently examining the resulting documents using Peter Ammon’s excellent Hex Fiend to examine the resulting files, and make sure the content is still format-compliant. But while I’m […]

Cocoa-Java Porting Step 1: Triage

Thursday, February 8th, 2007

When I chose to purchase an existing Java-based Cocoa application, I knew I was taking on some risk. Mac OS X still has a technology within it called the Cocoa-Java bridge, which makes it relatively easy for Java classes to participate in the Cocoa runtime, automatically translating objects like arrays and strings to their language-specific […]

Missing Link

Tuesday, January 2nd, 2007

Update: I shouldn’t be so trigger-happy with blog entries. Summary of this post: long, boring analysis of how I thought I was tracking down a bug in ld. Followed by a mea culpa explaining that I’d gotten it all wrong. Enjoy! Special thanks to Eric Albert for patiently showing me the error of my ways. […]

The Case of the Missing Check

Thursday, July 20th, 2006

Things are getting ever-nearer with FlexTime, but as is the case with every project of relative complexity, the number of niggling details expands in proportion to the number of days of development ostensibly remaining. Today I spent a lot longer than I wish I had working on a confounding bug report with my NSToolbar implementation: […]